Thursday, April 17, 2008

Least Bittern

Birding team checking out the shorebirds

Great Egret ballet

High Island Boardwalk

Roseatte Spoonbill

Texas: Day Two

Our first full day included Kentucky Warbler, Fulvous Whistling Duck, a superb Least Bittern display, and a Scarlet and Summer Tanagers galore! Oh... and I had to wrangle a Cotton Mouth off the road; all in the day of a good tour leader.

The group has melded nicely, made up of ages from young to senior. All are very kind, interesting and very interested people. It makes it so much easier for the leaders.

The Least Bittern hung on some marsh grasses about 50 ft. from us for about 5 minutes; photos coming as soon as my sleeping photographers can help me load them up.
Saw lots of gators, about 40 or more. Passed a steer on the road.  Got to watch out for those in Texas.  Heading South tomorrow.


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